Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) Call for Projects

The Genesee County Metropolitan Alliance, with staff assistance from the Genesee County Metropolitan Planning Commission (GCMPC), is requesting projects for the 2014–2017 Genesee County Transportation Improvement Program (TIP).  All ACT-51 agencies are eligible to submit applications for improvements to federal aid eligible roads in their jurisdiction.  Townships should contact the Genesee County Road Commission (GCRC) concerning potential projects in their township as GCRC must be the applicant.  If a non Act-51 agency is interested in a Transportation Alternative (non-motorized trail or safe routes to school) project, they should contact their local Act-51 agency as the Act-51 agency must be the applicant.  Projects currently in the 2014 year of the FY 2011-2014 TIP should be reviewed, updated and resubmitted by the responsible Act-51 agency.  Please keep in mind when developing applications for road preservation and reconstruction projects that an engineer’s estimate must be provided and that 27% of the funding available for reconstruction/preservation projects will be allocated to reconstruction projects while 73% will be allocated to preservation projects.

Project applications must be received by the Genesee County Metropolitan Planning Commission by January 31, 2013 at 5:00 p.m. with the exception of the Congestion Mitigation Air Quality (CMAQ) applications which must be received by January 25, 2013 at 5:00 p.m.  Applications will then be ranked, evaluated and endorsed by the appropriate committees.