1. Visit https://www.carpoolworld.com/genesee_rideshare
  2. Click “Join us and start carpooling!” and fill out your account information.
  3. You will receive an email confirmation code; enter the code once received.
  4. Fill out your trip information. Sections with an asterisk* are required.
    • Click “Yes” in the “Guaranteed Ride Home opt-in” section to be eligible for reimbursed transportation costs if an unexpected issue arises. More info here
  5. Choose your email notifications and trip logging preferences.
    • To be notified about rideshare matches daily, select “Everyday” in the drop-down menu next to “Subscribe to receive a list of your most current matches by email”.
  6. Click “Proceed” at the bottom of the page to complete your email notification settings.
  7. On the “My trip log” page, log your past trips and weekly costs if desired. Otherwise, leave the info that is automatically included on the page.
  8. Click “Submit My Information” to complete your registration.
  9. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click “My matches” to see other users who have similar commutes.
  10. Contact users that you are matched with to start ridesharing.
  11. When you log back into your account after you have registered, your “My matches” tab will be at the top of the page.
If you have further questions about the Rideshare program, please call 810-233-RIDE.
  1. What is the Rideshare Program?
    • The Rideshare Program is a free computerized carpool matching service that pairs people with similar commutes to save on gas costs, lessen wear on individual vehicles, and help the environment.
  1. What is CarpoolWorld?
    • CarpoolWorld is the online commuter-matching service GCMPC uses to pair people with similar commutes. Click “Learn More” under “Carpool” above to access CarpoolWorld.
  1. How do I sign up for the Rideshare program?
    • View the above “Rideshare Registration Instructions” or click here for a step-by-step guide on how to sign up for the program.
  1. Is there a cost to use this service?
    • The Rideshare online matching service through CarpoolWorld is free to use. Who pays for the necessary ridesharing expenses, such as gas or car maintenance, is determined between drivers and passengers.
  1. Can you provide me with a ride today?
    • Unfortunately, we do not offer rides on demand. Please sign up on CarpoolWorld to potentially be matched with another user for a ride. Please contact the MTA Your Ride at 810-767-0100 or https://www.mtaflint.org/your-ride/ to potentially find a ride today.
  1. I am an employer, and I would like my employees to be able to match with each other. How can I do this?
    • GCMPC staff can create a pre-set destination to your business that users can select. Contact Kris Garris, Planner at [email protected] or 810-766-6564 to have your business entered as a pre-set destination.
  1. How is vanpooling different from carpooling?
    • Vanpooling allows up to 15 commuters to travel together and share the costs of a vanpool provided by MDOT.
  1. How can I find a carpool lot near me?
  1. What other ridesharing options are in Genesee and Lapeer Counties?
  10. How can I find more information about MTA services?   11. Do you provide outreach at events about the Rideshare program?
    • Yes, contact Kris Garris, Planner at [email protected] or 810-766-6564 to have staff set up a table at your event.
  12. Other questions?
    • Please contact 810-233-RIDE
Interested in receiving information about Genesee County’s environmental programs? To stay up to date on Recycle Day events, air quality issues, ridesharing, and other local environmental topics, please provide your full name and email address to [email protected]. By providing your contact info, you will be added to our environmental programs email distribution list
Guaranteed Ride Home Program
Rideshare also provides a Guaranteed Ride Home Program to all registered Rideshare participants. The program is designed to offer fare reimbursement should an emergency or unexpected overtime arise during the workday. Click here for Program Rules.