Other Projects


Flint Downtown Traffic and Parking Study

Like many downtown areas in the industrial Midwest, Flint has seen a decades-long cycle of disinvestment from their downtown area, resulting in vacant storefronts and buildings and declining land values. However, long-buoyed by a large municipal and governmental presence, Downtown Flint is poised for resurgence, with new business activity, residential development, and an expanding nearby university campus. This activity has put pressure on the downtown parking supply, and raised questions as to the efficiency of traffic circulation within the downtown area, and the impact that may have on drawing new residents and business patrons to downtown.
In order to address these deficiencies, a task force of local and state agencies and the business community initiated the Flint Downtown Traffic and Parking Study. The purpose of this study is to evaluate a variety of alternatives for improving transportation and parking opportunities in the immediate downtown area.


Bishop International Airport’s Flint Intermodal Center Presentation

Rationalize land use plan to increase safety & efficiency
Realign runway to increase safety & modernize airfield
Support existing users need for:

  • Terminal Improvements
  • Public Parking
  • Intermodal Cargo Facilities
  • Consolidated Rental Car Operations
  • General & Corporate Aviation Facilities

Support local & regional economic development plans
Achieve development with minimal impacts to neighboring communities


Genesee County Freight and Connectivity Study:

The concept of a Genesee County Freight and Connectivity Study has evolved from the continuing thrust of the Partners for Progress Program to meet the challenges of economic revitalization. This study is timely, given the recent completion of the Genesee County Regional Transportation Plan and the Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy. Added to that are the position of the region as the hub of three interstates, an international airport, and a variety of rail lines with an abundance of development/redevelopment opportunities. But, there are a number of connectivity problems that can cause frequent travel delays, confusion for vacationers, and other general economic impacts that lessen the attractiveness of the region.

For more information on transportation related services in Genesee County visit the Genesee County Road Commission website.