What Kind of Loan is Available?
The type of loan is a Deferred Payment Loan (DPL), which requires no interest or principal payments. The total DPL is limited to correcting Section 8 HQS related items only. There are four levels of a DPL loan: The first type of Deferred Payment Loan is available to persons making what HUD has defined as an
Extremely Low Income. The terms of this DPL require a 25% repayment of the loan when the property is sold or transferred, or the use changes from owner occupied to rental or commercial. The second type of Deferred Payment Loan is available to persons making what HUD has defined as a
Very Low Income. The terms of this DPL require a 50% repayment of the loan when the property is sold or transferred, or the use changes from owner occupied to rental or commercial. The third type of Deferred Payment Loan is available to persons making what HUD has defined as a
Low Income. The terms of this DPL require a 75% repayment of the loan when the property is sold or transferred. The loan amount is secured by a lien recorded against the property. The fourth, and final type, of Deferred Payment Loan is available to persons making what HUD has defined as a
Moderate Income. The terms of this DPL require a 100% repayment of the loan when the property is sold or transferred. The loan amount is secured by a lien recorded against the property. For more information please contact the Genesee County Community Development Program at (810) 257-3010.
Click here to view our Home Improvement Program brochure! If interested in finding out more information, please fill out the
Initial Inquiry Form and email it to [email protected] or fax it to (810) 257-3185.