Hello! Welcome to the FY 2020-2023
Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) Call for Projects
Applications and Resources Webpage.
Preservation/Reconstruction Application
Preservation/Reconstruction Application
Roadway Expand Application and Related Information
Roadway Expand Application (Revised)
Congestion Management Process Document
Congestion Management Process Checklist and Toolbox
Transportation Deficiency Analysis
Transit Application
Congestion Mitigation Air Quality (CMAQ) Application Instructions
MDOT’s CMAQ Application is web-based. The MDOT CMAQ webpage has the Program Guidance, the Overview, the Emissions Tools, and the Emissions Forms that you will need to prepare a CMAQ application. After you have prepared your application, GCMPC staff will submit the application using MDOT’s JobNet system. Please do not submit your application using the MDOT Grant System.
Transportation Alternatives Program (TAP) Application Instructions
MDOT’s TAP application is web-based. The MDOT TAP webpage has the Program Information, the on-line application, and all the details you will need to submit a TAP application. Your TAP application is used for Genesee County TAP funds and also for consideration of State of Michigan TAP funds.You will need to have access to the Michigan Grant System to submit your application. This is done through a State of Michigan MILogin account. Please follow the links below.
Create a MILogin account if you don’t already have one
Access your MILogin account after you create it
Genesee County Regional Trail Plan
Genesee County Prioritized Trail Map
Primary Work Type Descriptions
Performance Targets for NHS Roads
Environmental Justice Zones Map
PASER Rating Treatment Measures
Adjusted Census Urban Boundary (ACUB) Map