Federal requirements direct the Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) for Genesee County to publish the annual status of TIP projects. The Genesee County Metropolitan Planning Commission (GCMPC) provides staff to the Genesee County Metropolitan Alliance (the MPO for transportation planning in Genesee County). The following information is provided for Genesee County transportation projects that were obligated, let for bid, under construction, and/or completed during FY 2016 (October 1, 2015 through September 30, 2016). The projects are grouped under the type of transportation improvement performed by individual agencies and represent a $44.2 million dollar investment into the Genesee County transportation network. These investments include: $8.1 million in Bridge Work, $147,731 in Commuter Services, $567,062 in Non-Motorized Facilities, $17.6 million in Road Restoration/Resurfacing, $6.9 million in Safety, $8.8 million in Transit Equipment and Services, $558,394 in Transit Facility Improvements, and $1.5 million in other improvements.
The complete list of projects is available for review at the address below, and on our website at www.gcmpc.org The project list may also be obtained in person or by mail, phone, fax or e-mail. Persons needing language assistance and/or special accommodations will be provided the requested service free of charge with advance notice of seven days to the Genesee County Metropolitan Planning Commission. Please direct all questions on the above information to:
Sharon Gregory, Planner III
1101 Beach St., Room 223, Flint, MI 48502, or visit our website at www.gcmpc.org
Telephone: (810) 257-3010
E-mail: [email protected]
Fax: (810) 257-3185