Genesee County 2045 LRTP Call for Projects

The Genesee County Metropolitan Alliance, with staff assistance from the Genesee County Metropolitan Planning Commission (GCMPC), is developing the Genesee: Our County, Our Future planning document that encompasses both the community development and transportation long range planning documents. For the Transportation division this represents the Genesee County 2045 Long Range Transportation Plan (LRTP).  GCMPC is now accepting transportation capacity related project applications for the 2045 LRTP.  All Genesee County Act 51 agencies are eligible to submit an application for capacity-related improvements to federal-aid eligible roads in their jurisdiction.  Townships should contact the Genesee County Road Commission to discuss potential projects to submit for this Call.  Projects must address capacity deficiencies as identified by the 2014 and 2045 maps of CMP deficiencies provided along with the project application on the website identified at the end of this notice.  All project applications must be received by GCMPC by Wednesday, July 31, 2019 at 5:00 p.m.  Application will then be evaluated, scored, and endorsed by the appropriate committees.

Project Application

2045 LRTP Call for Projects Letter
